Perfect Brows, Makeup for Glasses + a Sigma Brushes Giveaway! (Giveaway Closed)

There’s always something new to learn about how to do makeup.  Every time I pick up a new tip, I wonder how I got by so long without it!  Eyebrow shaping is one of those things.  I remember going to get my makeup done when I was in my teens and the artist asked me if I had ever “done my eyebrows.”  I had no idea what she was talking about so I said no!  She then showed me how to shape my brows and WHAT a difference it made.  Ever since then, it’s part of my weekly beauty routine.  It really freshens up your entire face while making you look more awake – and who doesn’t want that?

Brow shaping ties right in with today’s tutorial: how to do makeup if you wear glasses.  I’m not a glasses wearer, but I LOVE the glasses look so I started experimenting with “glasses makeup”.  I noticed that glasses seem to dull down eye makeup significantly between harsh glares and dusty/smudged lenses, yet they draw attention to the upper half of your face – so it’s important to have your brows and eyes looking tidy and defined!

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Subtle & Pretty Everyday Makeup Tutorial

I’m a makeup junkie. I admit it. I spend hours upon hours flipping through magazines, watching tutorials on YouTube, browsing Sephora and, wandering the beauty aisles at the drug store… and the list goes on. I absolutely LOVE doing makeup. My goal for this tutorial was to put together a pretty and casual look that fits just as well at the office as it would at the local coffee shop. A good friend of mine, Elizabeth (of Bluegrass Goodness) recently got an amazing job offer (CONGRATS!) and asked me what kind of makeup would be work appropriate! So I’ll share my own personal routine here and hopefully it will help anyone out there with the same question. I look forward to doing a future post with Elizabeth, documenting her very own “work makeover”!

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